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Court Reporters

The Madera County Superior Court employs court reporters to ensure the integrity of the judicial record.  Court reporters are generally available for most case types on a daily basis; however, due to the statewide shortage of court reporters, the Court must prioritize their availability.  For more information about court reporter availability, please see the Order of the Presiding Judge.
Transcript Requests:

If you would like to request/purchase transcripts of a hearing, please submit the request to:

When requesting transcripts, please be sure to include the case number, hearing date, and any other information that you believe will assist the reporter.  Once your request is received, it will be forwarded to the appropriate court reporter, who will reach out to you with a cost estimate.

Court Reporter Contact Information:

Forrest Zoslocki, Supervising Court Reporter (559) 416-5546
Ashley Pulido, Senior Court Reporter (Criminal) (559) 416-5572
Rochelle Watson, Senior Court Reporter (Civil) (559) 416-5598
Angela Mejia, Court Reporter (559) 416-5558
Connie Silva, Court Reporter (559) 416-5548
Theresa Traylor, Court Reporter (559) 416-5545
Vacant, Court Reporter (559) 416-5557
Vacant, Court Reporter (559) 416-5559
Yadirah Lizaola, Court Reporter (559) 416-5547
Sonya Zuniga, Court Reporter (559) 416-5553

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