Pay Traffic Ticket or Request a Fine Reduction
Making a Traffic Ticket Payment
Payments may be made:
- By using the web at An additional fee applies for utilizing this service.
- In person Mon-Fri from 8 AM – 4 PM at the lobby windows. We can accept cash, personal checks, cashier’s checks, and money orders payable in U.S. Funds only. We also accept payments by debit and credit card (Visa, Mastercard and Discover - service fees apply).
- By mail. Payments should be sent to:
Madera Superior Court Traffic Division
200 South “G” Street
Madera, CA 93637
If using a personal check, it must be pre-printed with the Defendant’s name and address on the account. Please make checks or money orders payable to "Madera Superior Court." Always include your case number on your payment or any correspondence.
Financial Hardships, Request a Fine Reduction & MyCitations
To ask the court to consider your ability to pay due to financial hardship and decide whether to approve a reduced fine, a payment plan or community service, you may schedule an appearance in court for arraignment without the deposit of bail.
If you cannot pay the full amount of a fine for an infraction offense (including most traffic tickets), you may ask the Court to reduce the amount you owe based on your ability to pay. Please see the MyCitations - Ability to Pay Tool link for more information.
Madera Superior Court uses the Franchise Tax Board and Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP (Linebarger) as their collection agencies. If your matter has been referred to FTB or Linebarger for collections, all payments should be made through the respective agency to ensure proper credit can be given to your account.
You may contact a Franchise Tax Board representative at (916) 845-4064.
You may contact Linebarger at (844) 566-6558.
Local Procedures
The typical case follows these steps:
- A ticket or citation for a traffic infraction is written by a law enforcement officer.
- The ticket explains whether (a) monetary fine; or (b) other action is required, and whether the recipient must appear in court.
- The Court will send the Defendant a courtesy notice stating the various options available and the date that he/she is to pay or appear at court. If the defendant wishes to contest their matter, a trial date will be set and the Defendant will be sent notice of the date and time to appear.
- If the Defendant does not wish to contest the matter and pay the fine, they would submit payment as specified on their courtesy notice.
- If the Defendant does wish to contest the matter, they may request a Trial by Declaration, wherein the Defendant is allowed to contest the citation by a written statement. Or, the Defendant can request a Court Trial in which the Defendant and Officer both appear in person before a judge to present their case.
- If the Defendant is eligible for traffic school (if you are, it will be one of the options available to you on your courtesy notice), it will be the amount of the fine plus $74.00 for the traffic school fee. The traffic school will charge you an additional fee to attend the class. Traffic schools report traffic school completion certificates to the court electronically. Traffic school must be completed and the certificate of completion received 90 days from the post mark on your request to attend traffic school in order for the citation to be dismissed.
- If you wish to attend traffic school but are unable to pay the full Amount Due (excluding the $74 non-refundable administrative fee) due to financial hardship, you must schedule an appearance in court for arraignment to ask the court to consider your ability to pay. If you would like to pay the full amount; however, are unable to do so all at one time, you may request a payment plan from the Traffic Clerk.
- If the Defendant fails to pay a fine after the Court has ordered him/or her to do so, the case may be referred to the Franchise Tax Board for collections. If the matter is referred to collections and is accepted, a civil assessment up to $300.00 will be added pursuant to PC 1214.1(a). To ask the Court to consider your ability to pay due to financial hardship and decide whether to approve a reduced fine, a payment plan or community service, you may schedule an appearance in court for arraignment without the deposit of bail.
- It is important for the Defendant to respond to all notices sent by the Court. If you fail to address your matter by the dates indicated on the Court’s notices, you may be subject to a fine, Civil Assessment and/or driver’s license suspension under VC40508(a).
General Information
- All payments and proof of corrections on this case must be submitted together in order to close the case.
- Partial payments may be accepted upon request and will be assessed a $50.00 administrative fee per VC 40510.5.
- Forfeiting bail will close your case and it will be reported to DMV as a conviction. If you are forfeiting bail, please do not send cash. If you forfeit bail, you are no longer eligible for traffic school.
- To ask the court to consider your ability to pay due to financial hardship and decide whether to approve a reduced fine, a payment plan or community service, you may schedule an appearance in court for arraignment without the deposit of bail.
Prior Convictions
If you have been convicted of any traffic violations in the past three years, a penalty enhancement may be imposed pursuant to VC4200 and VC40508.6.
Proof of Correction
To dismiss a violation where proof of correction is required you must:
- Correct the violation.
- Take the corrected item along with your copy of the citation to a law enforcement agency or DMV and have a copy of the citation signed off by an authorized agent of the department.
- Bring or mail your copy of the signed off citation along with the fees indicated on the front of this letter.
Mailing the Remittance
- Please make checks or money orders payable to: Madera County Superior Court.
- Mail to Madera County Superior Court at the division you received your courtesy notice from.